And I Write a Love Song Again

And I write, just for you
Another verse ’bout our love,
Just like so many before,
Once again I write for you.

A love song. Our love song.
But the love’s been long gone.
Or is there something left?
I don’t know.

I might call your name again.
I have called your name again
In whispers that none may hear
But me. I have missed you so.

Why am I not free of you
You haunt me. O yes, you do.
But still I won’t want us chance (upon)
As I sometimes wish we would do.

Like your soul were my very own-
I have as such imagined you.
Held you close and talked to you.
We were our wishes that came true.

It is yet another poem
And if you find love too,
Then let it be another symbol
And call it a Love Song, would you?

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